SFU Waste Reduction: How Effective is it?

SFU Waste Reduction: How Effective is it? SFU students are undoubtedly familiar with the “four-stream” waste bins all over campus that require them to separate their food waste into different categories. But surprisingly, many students don’t have the faintest idea of...

How to shop ‘green’: A beginner’s guide

How to shop ‘green’: A beginner’s guide No, I’m not talking about buying and eating more green vegetables because of all their amazing health benefits. Rather, I’m here to discuss the matter of conscious grocery shopping. That’s right, you got it, we’re talking about...

Embracing Mutual Aid for a Sustainable Future

Embracing Mutual Aid for a Sustainable Future Mutual aid is an idea that is gaining more and more traction as the years go on, and rightly so. Mutual aid provides the world with frameworks of care and mutual benefit as opposed to the frameworks of self-interest that...