Volunteer Recognition – Our Videographer

May 19, 2019 | Team

Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Kushneryk, and I am an English major here at SFU. Since October, I have worked as Embark’s videographer, focusing on capturing their events and all of the amazing things they do.

Why were you interested in volunteering at Embark?

I was interested in Embark from the moment I heard about them – I am very passionate about creating a sustainable future and living within our means today, and all of my values are reflected in theirs. Having the change to combine my love of filmmaking with my love of sustainability was too good to pass up!

What are the benefits of volunteering at Embark?

Since joining Embark, I have become inspired by everyone who is making big changes in sustainability today. Meeting so many people who are all working towards the same goal made me realize that individuals really can make a difference in our society and environment.

What are you most proud of adding/completing as a volunteer at Embark?

I am proud to have created so many beautiful videos in collaboration with Embark, and to have been their very first videographer! I feel as though I was able to make a difference in other people’s lives, and at the same time, I had so much fun!

Do you have any tips for future volunteers?

To any future volunteers, I would recommend not being afraid to put yourself out there, and finding a way to get involved! Embark has so many opportunities to get involved with, everyone can find a way to use their passion to learn about sustainability and have the same incredible experiences I did.