For what it is: Mutual care, generosity, and dependency

Oct 31, 2022 | Change, Inspire, Poem

In the moments that matter, in those closest to us…

For what it is

 The smallest of small

The moments that matter

In the daily

In the mundane

In the simplest of times

In careful consideration

In generous reflection

It is when we remove ourselves from ‘I’

And move slowly and surely towards ‘we’

When we look beyond ‘me’

And gaze towards ‘we’

And then and only when we ACT


For how it goes


In contemplation

In undisturbed concentration

The human is enlightened

Of that other thing

That other thing that breathes

That other thing that feeds

And that other thing that is alive

Just like You and I

Of that bird that perches outside on the window edge

That has thoughts of its own

Feelings of its own

A life of its own

And it is these moments

That act in the simplest of ways

But in the most vital of ways

When we take time to care

For that Other life form


For why it matters


When the system is lacking

When the system is ungiving

When the system is unforgiving

We act together in the smallest of moments

When we take time to consider something

Other than the self

Removing ourselves from our humanly concerns…

We act in careful consideration and it is then that

We practice mutual aid

In our backyards

Not out ‘there’

But right ‘here’

In lasting moments

In larger social crisis

The power of a single human is revealed

When we together act


By Simran Gill