An initiative to increase plant-based options on SFU Burnaby Campus

Mar 9, 2019 | Embark News

Initiative to increase plant-based options on SFU Burnaby Campus

Embark’s Climate Action Team is constantly working towards increasing student awareness of climate related impacts from animal agriculture. In addition to the promotion of a Monday Veggie Challenge, the Climate Action Team is working on an initiative to increase the percent of plant-based options on SFU Burnaby Campus. This initiative is aimed at reducing the environmental impacts that stem from animal agriculture while also promoting healthy diets for students on campus.

A Survey of Student Support for Plant-Based Meals on SFU Burnaby Campus

The purpose of this survey is to gather student feedback on the perceptions of plant-based meal options on SFU Burnaby campus. The goal of the survey is to capture and inform Embark on the level of student support for plant-based meal options. Results from the survey will ultimately be used in a proposal that will be submitted to SFU’s food provider with the goal of increasing plant-based meals on Burnaby campus by 20%.


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