A Message from our Board of Directors

Apr 6, 2020 | Embark News

Dear Embarkers,

We would like to address the recent letter from concerned members. The Embark board of directors made a decision on April 2, 2020 to change the assignment of roles based on events that transpired after the AGM. This decision was not meant to oppose membership decisions, and we are sorry that this was the result as per the concerns that have been expressed. 

It was never our intention for our members to feel like their voices do not matter, and for this we would like to express our sincere apologies. We would also like to express our commitment to rebuilding trust internally and with members. This has been a learning experience for all of us.

It is important to us that we listen to our members. As a result of the concerns we have received, we are reinstating Christine Leclerc as Chair. Through board deliberation, we have decided that Christine is the best candidate for chair. We will follow through with her reinstatement by the end of day on Monday April 6th, 2020.

We would also like to acknowledge that our goal is to move forward in a constructive way for the benefit of our members and in support of climate justice and a sustainable future, with transparency at the forefront. Please consider emailing us if you have any further questions or concerns. Our contact information can be found below: https://www.embarksustainability.org/about/team/



The Embark Board Team:

Emerson Mohr & Christine Leclerc

Kayla Holloway
Sam Meraj
Aki Zhou
Jennaline Shaw
Mudassir Noor
Ryan Jim
Zoya Khan