Embark Sustainability as a student-centred organization

Governance & Publications


Board of Directors

Embark Sustainability is governed by a student-led board of directors. The board of directors determines the organization’s mission and purpose, selects and supports the Executive Director, monitors the organization’s programs and services, ensures effective fiscal and risk management, engages in strategic planning, orients new board members, ensures optimal board performance, and enhances the organization’s public image. Further, the board records and stores minutes. Embark Sustainability members are welcome to attend all board meetings!

Have questions about our governance?
Please email info@embarksustainability.org to review meeting minutes or request to attend a meeting.

Society's Bylaws

You are probably looking for this document. Have questions? Please email info@embarksustainability to request more information.

Policies and Regulations

You are probably looking for this document. Have questions? Please email info@embarksustainability to request more information.

Audited Financial Statements

You are probably looking for these documents. Have questions? Please email info@embarksustainability to request more information.


Want to know what we’ve done
in the past?

Learn more about what we’ve been up to since 2003:


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